Hearing Loss 101

Hearing loss, whether in one or both ears, poses significant challenges in accurately perceiving sounds. Common symptoms include difficulty understanding speech and identifying certain frequencies, often attributed to aging or prolonged exposure to loud noises.

Typically, the gradual deterioration of inner ear hair cells is the primary cause of hearing impairment, resulting in reduced hearing acuity over time. To address this issue effectively, the use of hearing aids is strongly recommended.

At Republic Hearing Care, we are committed to providing comprehensive solutions for individuals experiencing hearing loss. Our clinic offers a wide range of affordable hearing aids tailored to diverse needs and preferences. By embracing these advanced devices, you can effectively manage your hearing impairment, actively engage in conversations, and cherish the voices of your loved ones.

Recognizing the importance of personalized care, our dedicated team of professionals stands ready to assist you in selecting the most suitable hearing aid. With our expertise and commitment to your auditory well-being, our aim is to improve your quality of life and ensure you enjoy the richness of sound.

Hearing Loss? We can Help!

older couple walking on the beach

Signs of Hearing Loss

Detecting and addressing hearing loss can be a complex journey, especially as it often progresses gradually. Oftentimes, loved ones such as partners, close friends, or family members may notice changes before you do. If someone has suggested that you have your hearing checked, it may indicate potential hearing loss.

Recognizing the signs of hearing loss is vital. Here are some common indicators:


– Difficulty hearing speech clearly, leading to sounds seeming muffled.
– Struggling to understand words, particularly in noisy environments.
– Frequently asking others to repeat themselves during conversations.
– Needing to increase the volume on electronic devices.
– Experiencing ringing or humming sounds in the ears.
– Finding it challenging to hear higher-pitched voices, like those of women and children.
– Difficulty hearing when people are not facing you directly.


If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with Republic Hearing Care. Our expert team is dedicated to conducting thorough hearing assessments and providing the support necessary to enhance your hearing. Don’t delay any further – reach out to us today and regain your ability to hear effectively.

Don't ignore the signs.

Types of Hearing Loss

There are three main types of hearing loss:

1. Sensorineural hearing loss: This is the most common type and often occurs due to aging or factors like genetics, head trauma, loud noise exposure, or certain medications. It affects the inner ear’s hair cells but can be managed with hearing aids.


2. Conductive hearing loss: This happens when sound can’t travel from the outer or middle ear to the inner ear, due to causes like earwax buildup, fluid in the middle ear, infections, or ear trauma. Treatment depends on the cause and may involve medical intervention or antibiotics.


3. Mixed hearing loss: This is a combination of sensorineural and conductive loss, typically requiring medical or surgical intervention for the conductive aspect and hearing aids for the sensorineural part.


Understanding these types and their causes empowers individuals to effectively manage their specific hearing needs.

older couple jogging

Common Hearing Loss Myths

Fact: While aging is a common factor in hearing loss, it can affect people of all ages, including children and young adults. Various factors like genetics, noise exposure, and medical conditions can contribute to hearing loss at any age.

Fact: Hearing loss can have significant impacts beyond just difficulty hearing. It can lead to social isolation, cognitive decline, depression, and reduced overall quality of life. Treating hearing loss can help mitigate these effects and improve overall health and well-being.

Fact: While some forms of hearing loss are permanent, others can be temporary or treatable. Conductive hearing loss, for example, can often be treated with medical interventions like surgery or antibiotics. Sensorineural hearing loss may be managed with hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other assistive devices.

Fact: While hearing aids can significantly improve hearing for many people with hearing loss, they do not restore hearing to its original state. Hearing aids amplify sounds to make them easier to hear, but they cannot completely replicate natural hearing. However, they can greatly enhance communication and quality of life for individuals with hearing loss.

Fact: Hearing loss is not just about the ability to hear sounds; it also involves difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy environments. Some people with hearing loss may still be able to hear sounds but struggle to comprehend speech clearly, particularly in challenging listening situations.